Na die publikasie van die grafiese roman Moord in Ixia Straat in 2017, teater sukses in 2018, en die Thundafund campaign in 2019, werk ons tans aan ‘n LEGO stopframe animasie reeks. Voorlopige titel DARKLANDS. Vrystelling van die eerste episode is beplan vir 2022.

Thundafund Dankie!

Elke avontuur begin met ‘n terugslag of twee, om ons helde wakker te laat skrik!

Ons het nie die keer ons teiken bereik met die Thundafund nie, maar ons het klaar weer opgestaan, ons klere afgestof en kyk reeds na nuwe moontlikhede hoe om Kampsbaai Kaperjolle die mees befokste afrikaanse comic te maak wat jy nog in jou hande vasgehou het!

Dankie aan al die helde wat ons ondersteun het, julle is befok!

Thundafund vir Boek 2 in die Bal-Oog en Brommel reeks

Support the creation of the second book in the ‘Bal-Oog en Brommel’ series on Thundafund!

Be first in line to get the second book in the popular comic book series: Die Avonture van Bal-Oog & Brommel by supporting the crowdfunding campaign! Not only that, by supporting the campaign you can also get a limited edition t-shirt, a signed art print by Willem Samuel, become a character in the comic (limited to 3), or host a private theatre performance of the show Moord in Ixiastraat at your organisation! Checkout the campaign on Thundafund.

Who we are

We are Swart Septembir, a creative company founded by graphic artist Swart Streep and author Sjaka S Septembir. We’ve been experimenting with comics and animation since 2001. In 2016 we published the successful comic Die Avonture van Bal-Oog en Brommel: Moord in Ixiastraat by teaming up with comic artist Willem Samuel. In 2018 we produced a theatre show based on the comic with award winning actor and director Gideon Lombard. The show is getting rave reviews and has been nominated for two kykNET Fiestas and three Fleur du Cap 2019 Theatre awards!

Fans want more

After the success of the comic and the theatre show people are asking: When are you publishing the next book in the series? We are listening and have started work on the next comic!

Long of it

Tipping point R40 000: Upon reaching our tipping point we will use the funds to finalise the storyboards and to create a black and white version of the book.

Our dream funding goal R100 000: The funds will be used for the artwork, design, and printing of a 48 page full colour comic book. To be titled: Die Avonture van Bal-Oog en Brommel: Kampsbaai Kaperjolle. It will be the second book in the series.

How we will use the funds:

  • R12 000 storyboarding and story development
  • R48 000 line and ink of the artwork
  • R15 000 colouring the artwork
  • R10 000 graphic design and layout
  • R15 000 to print 500 copies for the first print run

Timeline for the project:

  • June 2019 Story finalised
  • September 2019  Artwork completed
  • December 2019  Final colours and graphic design completed
  • January 2020 Printing
  • March 2020 Shipping

Rewards you get for backing the project

  • Social media Shout-out of your support and we will include your name in the book as a supporter of the project R100
  • Signed soft cover edition of the book R300
  • Signed soft cover edition of the book, plus screenprint t-shirt R500
  • Signed soft cover edition of the book, plus limited edition signed art print by Willem Samuel [limited to 50] R600
  • Become a character in the comic [limited to 3] R2 000
  • A private performance of the theatre show Moord in Ixiastraat R20 000

Teater update

Na twee suksesvolle launches van die grafiese roman, Moord in Ixiastraat, by die Open Book Festival in Kaapstad 9 September 2017, en by die Oliewenhuis Kunsmuseum in Bloemfontein 12 Oktober 2017 (click op die links vir fotos) word die grafiese roman nou omskep in ’n teaterstuk!

Shows is opgeline by:

  • Woordfees 7,10, en 11 Maart
  • KKNK 29 Maart to 4 April
  • Alexander Bar 28 May-2 Junie
  • Vrystaatse Kunstefees 9 tot 14 Julie

Die Bal-Oog span sal ook by FanCon 2018 wees in Kaapstad 28 en 29 April, sien julle daar!